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    Kick Off Ceremony of the 40th Anniversary celebration

    On 9 August 2022, the Kick-off Ceremony of the 40th Anniversary celebration events was held in the school hall. Mrs LI HO Suk Wa, Gloria, chairlady of the School Management Committee; Ms Leung Siu Bing, chairlady of the Parents-Teachers Association; Mr Chu Hon Wing, chairman of the Alumni Association; and Ms Ip Lai Hung, our principal officiated at the ceremony. After the welcome speech by Mrs LI HO Suk Wa, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was conducted by the officiating party, teacher representatives and student representatives. All S1 students attended the ceremony in the school hall while the S2 to S5 students, staff members, parents and alumni shared the joy by watching the live broadcast.

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    Speech Day

    第三十七屆頒獎典禮 (13-11-2020) 觀塘官立中學第三十七屆頒獎典禮於2020年11月13日假本校禮堂舉行,當日嘉賓師生共聚一堂,場面温馨熱鬧。 典禮開始,葉麗紅校長作校務報告。葉校長指出2020年是盛載挑戰的一年,有幸師生及家校的合作,讓本學年順利完成。此外,葉校長總結過去一年本校的成績,包括學生公開試表現、校外及校內所獲得的獎項;更表達對有關人士的感謝,包括學校管理委員會成員及全體教職員,葉校長表揚他們對學校的貢獻,使觀中茁壯成長,成為一所有實力的學校。 當天的主禮嘉賓是本校校友朱瀚榮先生,朱校友在致辭時分享其心路歷程,指出同學應按個人興趣選擇路向,積極參與課外活動,並勇於面對逆境。 在學生代表致送紀念品後,全體嘉賓、家長、老師和同學起立高唱校歌,頒獎典禮亦告圓滿結束。 37th Speech Day of Kwun Tong Government Secondary School The 37th Speech Day of Kwun Tong Government Secondary School was held on 13 November 2020 at the school hall. Teachers and students were joined by the esteemed guests and parents to celebrate the jubilant yet solemn occasion. The ceremony commenced with the Principal’s report. Ms Ip expressed her appreciation of the effort made by the parents, teachers and students in the year loaded with challenges and uncertainty. It was indeed a blessing that the school year ended with exceptionally pleasing HKDSE Examination results and most of the school major events accomplished. Ms Ip extended her gratitude to School Management Committee and all members of staff for their dedication, hard work and commitment. The Guest of Honour was our distinguished alumnus, Mr Chu Hon Wing. Mr Chu gave an inspiring speech, urging students to follow their dreams, actively partake in extra-curricular activities, and face adversity with courage. The ceremony concluded with the presentation of souvenir to the Guest of Honour and the joyful chorus of the school song.

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    Makers Room Opening

    The inauguration of the Maker Activity Room was held on the 11th Nov,2022. We were privileged to invite our alumni Mr. Ching, the former principals Mrs. Wan and Mr. So and some other honourable guests on that day. There was a lighting ceremony in the event, the signage was designed and produced by the STEAM Club of KTGSS. After the inauguration, there was a brief tour of the Maker Activity Room. The guests were introduced to a number of STEM projects conducted by using the facilities of the room. We hope that the Maker Activity Room will continue to provide suitable venue and equipment for students to carry out STEM explorations.

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    40th Anniversary Art Inheritance Joint Art Exhibition

    觀塘官立中學40周年師生校友藝術展 (26-4-2023 to 30-4-2023)四十畫筆 藝術傳承